[pianotech] Replacing plastic elbows

Mike Kurta mkurta1 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 8 06:44:49 MST 2009

    Wim and Jer:
    If you research the age of these spinets with broken elbows, you'll find 
that they were made in the late forties or early fifties.  After WWII 
plastics were considered the "wonder" material for nearly everything. 
Unfortunately this was first generation material and little was known about 
their lasting qualities over time.
    As I understand it, todays elbows are made of polycarbonate, a very 
tough,  durable material.  The tipoff is that they are clear in color.  I 
have seen white solid color plastic used as replacements but I cannot vouch 
for them as their makeup is unknown to me.
    Rethink the ones described above,  they fit well, work well and so far, 
has anyone seen a failure?
    Mike Kurta RPT
    Chicago chapter 

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