[pianotech] Replacing plastic elbows

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Tue Dec 8 12:40:02 MST 2009

Gerald Groot wrote:
> In all honesty, I generaly recommend replacing the piano at this point in
> time in the life of the piano but, if they are insistent upon keeping it
> wood, here we come...  Or, no, I won't do it...  Usually, the ladder...
> Pawn it off to Ron N....

Honesty is good. Thanks, but I have more firewood than I can 
use already. I could use someone to split it though, if you're 
caught up on your elbow replacement replacements and need 
something to do.

Got plenty of ladders too.

Now, what's this about wood? If they insist on keeping what 
wood? How can you keep something wood at their insistence if 
it was plastic in the first place?

Ron N

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