[pianotech] Quiet System

Barbara Richmond piano57 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 8 18:09:42 MST 2009


I've been asked to tune a Kawai RX-2 with a quiet system (the owner's words). I'm not familiar with this system, and tried looking it up on the Internet. There were a number of hits for silent system, which is, I gather, a Yamaha thing. Well...my question is, if I need to pull the action, will it be obvious to me what I need to do--whatever that is? A description of the thing or a place to find a description would be nice. 

I tried contacting the techs with Kawai, but I think they're out of town this week. 

(BTW, I saw one broken replacement elbow about two years ago--it was broken close to the sticker. I only recall replacing two sets of elbows in my career. Guess I live a charmed life.) 


Barbara Richmond, RPT' 
near Peoria, Illinois 
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