[pianotech] Knabe spinet with damper issues

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 9 22:19:44 MST 2009

If you, first off, had put your arm across the bass strings to dampen them, you probably would have discovered that the bass dampers are inadequate.   Read Bill Spurlocks articles on dampers and how to make you own bass dampers...the Knabe probably has 1 inch dampers...not long enough...I think Bill's replacement was 2 & 3/8" inches.   His website most likely has the articles...


David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: bppiano at aol.com
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 12/9/2009 8:55:18 PM
Subject: [pianotech] Knabe spinet with damper issues

>I had a very frustating session today with a relatively nice Knabe spinet.  The thing 
>tunes well enough but the over ring is totally unacceptable.  I tried everything I 
>know to do.  

>checked and adjusted damper alignment from every perspective
>check for damper follow after pushing in the strings
>pedals were unconnected and still the ring
>made sure the upper and lower felts of the bass section were engaging the strings 
>checked damper string tension and they were consistent
>I added additional damper travel into the strings and adjusted the spoon timing

>Still no improvement

>Tomorrow, I'll try new damper felts on the first damper of each section of damper 
>configuration - single string, bichord, trichord and flat felt just to see if there is 

>First off, what is the ballpark average for damper string tension?  How many grams 
>before the damper head moves?

>Second, is there an alternative to installling new damper felts?

>You suggestions will be most appreciated.

>Bruce*not much good with upright dampers" Pennington 

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