[pianotech] Pitch raising

Duaine Hechler dahechler at att.net
Sat Dec 12 13:21:56 MST 2009

David Boyce wrote:
> >One thing I do is to back the string off, or lower it until the pin
> moves a good amount:
> Yes, good idea. If there is any bond between the string and bearing
> points - V-bar, pressure bar, agraffes - moving the string will mean
> breaking that bond, and doing so in the direction of lowering tension
> is less likely to lead to a string breaking.
> It's a good idea also to apply a tiny quantity of Protek CLP or other
> suitable lubricant to each bearing point.
> Best regards,
> David Boyce.
This sounds like a good idea - or - superstitious - because I'll be in
the business for 10 years and - very rarely - backed down the string nor
Protek(ed) them and have had very few strings break.

Of course, on the other hand, a lot of my pianos are older uprights and
players - oh - maybe that's because they built them better then - and
the quality of the original string.

The only one that I had major string breakage on - was the 1865 Collard
& Collard I serviced - pretty much, every bass string broke.


Duaine Hechler
Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ
Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding
Reed Organ Society Member
Florissant, MO 63034
(314) 838-5587
dahechler at att.net
Home & Business user of Linux - 10 years

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