[pianotech] Nice job, Tom Sivak!

Ron Koval drwoodwind at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 14 05:04:22 MST 2009

Just a public "shout out"


Our youngest son is a sings in the freshman choir.  His older sister sang in high school

a few years back.  I once donated a tuning for the auditorium piano after squirming

through a concert. (York h.s Steinway grand #136924)


I just heard back from the school that Tom tuned for this year's choir concert.  Assuming

that this is the same piano I saw a few years ago, he really did a great job!  Much more

alive sounding and clearer to the top.  I'm assuming that he spent some extra time on 

voicing in addition to tuning. Really nice tuning blend from bottom to top supported the 

choirs wonderfully!


Tom, mind sharing any specifics of what you did?  (tuning style/extras, etc?)


Ron Koval



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