[pianotech] Damper Lever Problem

John Ross jrpiano at win.eastlink.ca
Mon Dec 14 08:09:18 MST 2009

Modify some pliers to swage the lead in place.   More may go.
When doing a repair on a single note, be sure and specify which note. 
Customers always think it is the note you just fixed.
If it is the same note, if you charged extra before, don't charge again, 
because you didn't fix it.
Always remember, if the fix is too easy, like pushing it back, you probably 
haven't fixed it.
I think Wim has mentioned C/A glue
John Ross,
Windsor, Nova Scotia

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <toddpianoworks at att.net>
To: <pianotech at ptg.org>
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:37 AM
Subject: [pianotech] Damper Lever Problem

I had serviced a client's Pramberger grand about a month ago.  One of the 
issues she had was a sticking damper.  Come to find out the damper lever 
weight had slid out and was contacting the neighboring lever.  I was able to 
take my screwdriver and slide the weight back in.

Well, I have a call back, because the damper is doing it again.

What would be the permanent fix here?

Thank you,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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