[pianotech] Refinishing sharps - methods used?

Allan Gilreath, RPT allangilreath at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 14 08:23:18 MST 2009


TransTint is the brand name and is made by Homestead finishing products. 
It's available from Pianotek, Highland Woodworking, etc. (no specific 
endorsement there, just places where I pick it up.) I substantially thin 
any finish that I apply since I don't want them to have a "coated" look.

I have a specific buffing wheel on one of the bench grinders dedicated 
to sharps and use black bar polish that I get from Pianotek.

Be well,

Allan Gilreath, RPT
Registered Piano Technician

On 12/14/2009 9:52 AM, Chuck Behm wrote:
>> wipe on trans-tint dye,
> diluted in alcohol.  Once dry wipe on a couple coats of polyurethane..
> William R. Monroe<
> William - Do you have a brand name on the trans-tint dye? Is the
> polyurethane you use MinWax or some other brand? With the buffing
> wheel, what do you use a clean buffing wheel, or do you use a bar
> polish? Chuck

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