[pianotech] Fwd: strings levelling

allan at sutton.net allan at sutton.net
Mon Dec 14 19:08:10 MST 2009

Bonjour à tous,

Putting the small level on the strings of my Bluthner grand for the first
time, I am surprised to see how much discrepancy there is from one note to
the other. Each note has a different slant, albeit with pretty much all
three strings of a trio being well on the same plane as much as I can tell.

With the hook I can pull on strings to witness just how much effect that can
have to bring more coherence, but it seems to me the agraffes themselves are
not premitting the same level everywhere.

Is it normal? I had done careful hammer to strings mating with amazing (to
me) results. Now, of course, having pulled here and there, it's all over the
place now!

If I were to put new hammers in, I would want to start with much coherence
in strings levels  before mating hammers to strings, but is it always
possible? often? rarely? never?

The piano has not been tuned recently, should'nt all the strings have
settled at the bend having been played and played? No, I can still pull them
up a considerable bit. I read about pushing a string down if needed but
can't believe we can bring them down at all...

Thank you

Allan Sutton
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