[pianotech] lowest note on Imp. Bosey and DC install

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Tue Dec 15 00:07:41 MST 2009

There's this neat little chart from Wikipedia (they have a pretty good write-up on the Boesendorfer pianos too, better I think, than the company's website.
Model Length Keys 
130CL Upright 88 
170 5' 7" 88 
185 6' 1" 88 
200 6' 7" 88 
214 7' 88 
225 7' 4" 92 
280 9' 2" 88 
290 "Imperial" 9' 6" 97 
I just finished installing a DamppChaser system in a Bosey 290 Imperial.  NOT a fun job!  The DC company said it would take about 2.5 hours to install.  Now, I know I'm getting up there in age (63) and slowing down, but it took me 6 hours!  The first four components I installed all had to be done differently than DamppChaser's layout said to do--they wouldn't fit. 
Now I can't wait to see if it stabilizes the piano.  it has been all over: way sharp in summer, fall and early spring and flatin the latter half of December.  

I will check my tuning graphs and see if it has the unusual patterns you have described.  I measured and graphed the tuning before I turned the system on last Thursday and will do so again either Wednesday or Thursday this week.
Diane Hofstetter
 It goes out of tune more wildly than
other pianos. There are huge RH changes in this church sanctuary, so huge
changes are to be expected. However, some sections do the opposite of what
every other piano does: the first treble section (maybe from around C5-F6)
is generally the complete opposite of what the tenor will be. E.g., last
week I tuned it: tenor was 10-15 cents flat, and the first treble section
was 5-7 cents sharp. Do they all react this way?
(And I've recommended and recommended a Piano Life Saver system ... to no
avail. So if they want a piano that sounds like crap half the year, I guess
that's their business. <G>)

Boesendorfer Model Length Keys 
130CL Upright 88 
170 5' 7" 88 
185 6' 1" 88 
200 6' 7" 88 
214 7' 88 
225 7' 4" 92 
280 9' 2" 88 
290 "Imperial" 9' 6" 97 

Diane Hofstetter 		 	   		  

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