[pianotech] Vertituner/PDA

Ron Koval drwoodwind at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 15 21:35:02 MST 2009

Zoe -


I got it to run on an Axim X5 running at 400Hz... but I did overclock the unit to force it 

to run faster.  At 400, it just doesn't have enough speed to get more than one or two

partials in the mix.  Kindof defeats the purpose of the machine!  Overclocking did work, 

but not as smoothly as my new machine running 624Hz.  Let me know if you want me 

to find that program...


Ron Koval








I am wondering if anyone successfully runs the Verituner software on a 400
Hz iPAQ.  I currently own a 3970 model.

I understand it works best with 500 hz- any experiences to share?




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