[pianotech] Fwd: strings levelling

David Nereson da88ve at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 02:02:17 MST 2009

<<what are you making the strings level with?  The floor?  The 
keybed?  The sloping Capo bar?  The
gravitational pull of the earth?

 William R. Monroe

 Exactly.  That's why I think the bubble is not really 
necessary.  You never know if the plane of the strings (which, 
as has been said, can differ from agraffe to agraffe) is level 
or parallel to the floor or the earth or what.  And if the 
middle string is high, the level could rock left or right, 
giving a false indication; and if the middle string is low, the 
bubble will still show level.  You don't need the bubble to see 
a gap between the device and the string.
    --David Nereson, RPT

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