[pianotech] key leads

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 17 09:58:48 MST 2009

If I was to change the leads, I would just replace not re-weigh the action.   This is an old Apollo grand (beautiful Mission case with 6 legs...not a player)...I'm going to give owner the option of replacing.   None of the keys are cracking yet...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: paulrevenkojones at aol.com
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 12/16/2009 7:30:09 PM
Subject: Re: [pianotech] key leads

>In a message dated 12/16/2009 11:18:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
>davidlovepianos at comcast.net writes:

>True  enough.  I tend not to move holes if the pattern is reasonably 
>uniform in  this case being willing to simply cut the leads where necessary to 
>achieve a  more refined final FW.   
>David  Love
>I've done this procedure a number of times where,  when trying to shift 
>weight toward the balance rail and remove as much weight as  possible, I've had 
>to knock out an existing lead and move an equivalent new lead  just enough 
>back that it doesn't clear the prior hole. So filling and  re-drilling was 
>the only option. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often, but it's  simply one 
>of those contingencies to be aware of when planning a  job.

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