[pianotech] somewhat OT Re: sounds, noise, our loud world

paul bruesch paul at bruesch.net
Thu Dec 17 19:18:17 MST 2009

Well, the electricity "outage" would pretty much have to be brought about by
the detonation of a thermo-nuclear device which would then also knock out
those damned annoying noisy thumper cars as well... likewise audible from at
least three blocks away, at least in my otherwise generally rather quiet
corner of the planet.

Heard a very interesting blurp on NPR yesterday about modern "dance
music"... that cacophony that often emanates from the hip clothing stores in
the malls (so rarely get there any more... gee, I wonder why...) and
presumably from the hip clubs...  It's ONE "NOTE", plus drum beat, for what,
5-8-10 minutes? Next song? Same thing. Lather, rinse, repeat.


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Delwin D Fandrich <del at fandrichpiano.com>wrote:

> Even though the lack of electricity may not do anything to improve the
> actual quality of the stuff at least we’re not forced to unwillingly listen
> to it three blocks away.
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