[pianotech] lowest note on Imp. Bosey and DC install

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Fri Dec 18 00:16:28 MST 2009


I enjoyed your pictures--they are beautiful pianos, aren't they!

Try a couple of pix of the underside and you will understand the problems I had with the DC install.

The first problem was that the rod nearest the pinblock had to be installed further back because of a promontory that was not there in the schematic. That did not leave enough room to install the first tank where DC said it should be, which changed the locations of all the other components so that they could be the appropriate distances from the humidistat. Then the new humidistat is about twice the size of the old style one in their schematic, consequently it wouldn't fit on a lot of the beams near the soundboard and still allow anything to be plugged into it. I finally found one that would work.

According to Wikipedia, the rim is not a bent rim, but made up of "solid blocks of spruce jointed together". Maybe that is why there is such an enormous structure of beams underneath?

Diane Hofstetter 		 	   		  

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