[pianotech] Selective Memory...was ...Re: OT Sounds, Noise. our noisy world yada yada

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 18 01:15:48 MST 2009

The problem with olde people, (and I include myself in this), is that they have very selective memory.  Thirty+ years ago, when you and I were playing Musical Shops, I recall you had a Bose Sound System that would/could/did Buckle Your Knees! (And I think your neighbors, as well.<G>) Even though  you played  Classical and Jazz, it was still a "killer system"! Such is the snobbish B.S. of the  Classical Crowd as well! Most Club type venues are at 110db to 120db, while the output of modern Orchestras are somewhere in the 140db range! Yes, Classical musicians are having hearing problems in droves and refuse to admit that they are LOUD! Hypocritical IMHO!<G>
Yes, we do live in a noisy world! However, people our age started that nonesense. Actually, our parents did..., but  who's counting. One reason  why  I live out in the  country and loathe to  go downtown Portland because  of the noise and the chaos that we call our modern society.<G>
And ....if you want to expand this...take  a measurement of how loud WE are, just doing our simple little "Tuning" business. (Try 80db  to 100db!) Of course we know and take precautions to, hopefully,  save our hearing for the  listening of birds, etc.<G>
Just a little reminder about how noisy, even WE  are.<G>
Best Regards,

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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