[pianotech] Damper Lever Problem

keykat88 at aol.com keykat88 at aol.com
Sat Dec 19 09:13:56 MST 2009

Greetings and Happy Holiday to everyone on the list,
         A small dab of Elmer's white glue on one point of the the 
circumference of the key lead itself, and insert. THen a very small bead of it on 
each side of the lead at it's perimeter wait till its half dry and flatten it 
in, so it doesn't interfere with the neighboring key stick. That way, if it 
ever has to be removed, it can be released by tapping it out. 
Reading, PA  
In a message dated 12/14/2009 9:46:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
davidlovepianos at comcast.net writes:

A drop of CA glue on the weight before you slide it back in.

David Love

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