[pianotech] Knabe Double Flanges

Tom Kysilko pds at visi.com
Sat Dec 19 15:43:51 MST 2009

Shirley Kysilko of St Paul and Dick Sorensen of Minneapolis 
manufactured four sets of double flanges for a pre-1900 Knabe 
upright.  One set was installed in our personal piano and is 
functioning perfectly.  The other three are available for sale.

These flanges are bushed and pinned and ready for spring 
installation.  Shirley and Dick believe that the purchasing 
technician will want to make their own decision about size and weight 
of spring.  These flanges are not the same as those in the KS Piano 
catalog, which have the spring and damper arm mounted on the same 
pin.  These have pins for the hammer butt and damper arm and the 
spring is installed on a separate cord like normal damper flanges.

If interested, please reply to me directly.  Pictures are available 
on request.  Shirley will be happy to answer any questions.

--Tom Kysilko, pds at visi.com

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