[pianotech] BB Mason and Tenor Cross over

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Sun Dec 20 15:21:22 MST 2009

Al Guecia/AlliedPianoCraft wrote:
> So, bottom line guys. The French piano maker Stephen Paulello "string 
> with softer steel" isn't going to do much?

It's one of those "depends on who you talk to" sort of things. 
If you think it's worth a try, try it. If you think it's a 
viable improvement, keep it.

> I don't do any scale redesigning and thought this might be an easy fix :-(

I don't like these sort of fixes because it requires mixing in 
non standard material, and just dodges the problem. But that's 
me. The only real way to evaluate it is to give it a try and 
see if it meets your expectation. It might be great. I don't 
really know.
Ron N

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