[pianotech] BB Mason and Tenor Cross over

erwinspiano at aol.com erwinspiano at aol.com
Sun Dec 20 19:46:12 MST 2009

 I think its this simple...they don't care or the manufacturer won't let them. Hey ,it's a commodity. WHen they get done designing pianos badly they can move on to refrigerators or sumpin...

>Probably > primarily the end of the bridge affect. I think it needs mass there. 
More likely stiffness. Get high basses too heavy and they tend to clang. 
  That seems true and is a change to be tried out on the next Stwy B

  But, If you get em too weak they tend towards nasal and thin. I've often requested that the string maker increase tension on notes 20 thru 26 on Stwy basses and others. Seems as scaling programs drop off the tension in this area more than I can tolerate aurally.
> A big chunk of lead in the bridge end might help. 
> I for one would enjoy hearing what Serge has described as an > improvement and make up my own mind. 
Sure, but not pointing out the poor scaling practices that produce these problems absolves manufacturers of needing to learn something and not make the same mistakes over and over. The GA1 is a prime example. The GH1 was, I thought, about as nasty a transition as was reasonably possible to expect. I was wrong. The GA1, a new piano for which there was no excuse for not fixing the problem, was actually worse. What's wrong with these pianos is known to a considerable number of people who work on them and rebuild them, and has been for some time. If it's pointed out long and loud enough, maybe manufacturers will eventually get it too. 
  Maybe but till then I'd settle for them installing hammers that make them sound less bad. WHo knows maybe it will sell pianos....nahhhh! 
Ron N 

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