[pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

wimblees at aol.com wimblees at aol.com
Tue Dec 22 01:12:20 MST 2009

I think that is interesting that you very seldom have a problem...could it have 
omething to do with where you live?   Don't they have to send strings by 
ubmarine to islands?
David Ilvedson, RPT
acifica, CA  94044

Actually, I've been using universals for a long time, even when I was in St. Louis. Like John F, they were mostly for the "cheaper" pianos, although occasionally, in a pinch, they were put on better pianos. 

Here in Hawaii, it would cost a minimum of $25 to have a string sent here. If I have to send a sample, it would double that price. And it takes a week to 10 days, each way. But I don't have too many upper end pianos in my file, so most of the broken strings are in lesser quality pianos, and get a universal. 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Ilvedson <ilvey at sbcglobal.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Sent: Mon, Dec 21, 2009 8:57 pm
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

I think that is interesting that you very seldom have a problem...could it have 
omething to do with where you live?   Don't they have to send strings by 
ubmarine to islands?
David Ilvedson, RPT
acifica, CA  94044
----- Original message ----------------------------------------
rom: wimblees at aol.com
o: pianotech at ptg.org
eceived: 12/21/2009 7:30:43 PM
ubject: Re: [pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

>I use universals a lot, and very seldom have a problem. Make sure the winding 
tight where you cut it off. Instructions in the Schaff Catalogue suggest you 
wist the 
winding with a pair of pliers. I also "knock" the winding down with the pliers. 


>-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mitchell <tpa2sfr at pacbell.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Sent: Mon, Dec 21, 2009 3:26 pm
Subject: [pianotech] Deck the halls with universal bass strings

>I tried installing a universal bass string today and was again faced with 
buzzing, even when I twisted the hitch-pin end multiple times.  So far my 
rate with these has been about 1 out of 3.  I'm ready to start decorating the 
with the ones I have left since it seems that's about all they're good for.  
As far as prepping these for installation, am I missing something or is just 
he nature 
of the beast.  (I realize these are less than optimal compared with ordering 
strings, but the customer really just preferred a quick solution).  
Mitchell Piano Service
(415) 994-1030

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