[pianotech] still a question

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Tue Dec 22 08:21:43 MST 2009

At 04:36 -0800 22/12/09, Marshall Gisondi wrote:

>So I ask again, where can I find actin parts for a Bechstein grand? 
>It's a model L. Oddly, its serial number does not appear in teh 
>Pierce Atlas.  The wippen needs a new cord loop, and I'm not sure if 
>visually I'm up to the challenge, but I'll give it a try if 

The job is simple enough if you are able to de-centre and re-centre 
the jack.  I'm sure some better-sighted person at the school could 
help with fixing the new loop cord.  You need to drill through the 
jack with a 2mm (approx.) drill from the side the cord come out. Then 
fold a length of fuse-wire or other thin wire round a knive to make a 
sharp loop, feed this through the jack from the same side, put the 
cord through the loop in the wire and pull through.  Get the length 
of the cord loop right and push in a match-stick or a chip of 
hardwood with a drop of glue to secure the cord in the jack.


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