[pianotech] spinet regulation

Floyd Gadd fg at floydgadd.com
Thu Dec 24 06:36:38 MST 2009

The plexiglass jig appeared in the January 1981 Piano Technicians Journal, and was apparently developed by Ned Dodson  of Colesvillle, MD.  The article appears in both the "20 years" CD Roms of the Journals, and in the "Journal Reprints" collection, in the "Hammers and Touchweight" section.  Mark Cramer, RPT of Brandon, Manitoba, introduced me to the jig, and I used it with success in my most recent hammer installation project.  He has modified the jig by cutting vertical slots near the ends of each section of hammers, and mounting rails on which the bottom shoulders of the hammers can be aligned during the installation process.  The rails are are made of stock that I would describe as angle iron, though I would usually think of angle iron of being thicker and heavier than what was used in this case.
Floyd Gadd
Manitoba Chapter
Patrick wrote:
The plexiglass I remember seeing in that photo was basically used to copy the string marks in the existing damper felt from the back, like in dry-erase or something, so the heads could be lined up with them.
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