[pianotech] Reversing Crown

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Dec 24 12:22:27 MST 2009

Noah Frere wrote:
> Hmm..I didn't measure bearing. 

Then you didn't have enough information to make an informed 
evaluation of the condition of the soundboard.

>Are you saying that finding positive 
> bearing and crown decreases or eliminates the chance of the board 
> reversing after string removal? 

It depends on how much bearing and crown, and where you 
measure it. Also, the crown doesn't have to reverse with 
string removal for the board to be dead.

>Or are you just saing that the more 
> carefully we analyze the instrument before rebuilding, the more accurate 
> our estimate will be? I believe the latter. -Noah

Yes, of course. Try to know what you're doing and why.
Ron N

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