[pianotech] Reversing Crown

Sat Dec 26 14:41:43 MST 2009

In a message dated 12/26/2009 12:12:02 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
rnossaman at cox.net writes:

So it's  a matter of using the brain as a tool rather 
than a buffer, if that makes  any sense. In this particular 
area of knowledge, a deep mythology flush  doesn't usually 
leave much to work with. That's hard for  everyone.
Having the plumbing and the septic field prepared seems to a difficult part 
 of the process for many, and it is a rare few who are willing to push the 
handle  on the toilet tank on a regular basis to make room. 
Composting theory...green minds. The Japanese shoshin or  beginner's mind, 
first mind, or even mushin, no mind!
Agree with all you say here.

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