[pianotech] c clamp

Joe Goss imatunr at srvinet.com
Mon Dec 28 15:16:26 MST 2009

Hi Brian, Think of it as a center pin removal tool.
Just slot out the foot of a clamp?
Joe Goss BSMusEd MMusEd RPT
imatunr at srvinet.com
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brian Doepke 
  To: pianotech at ptg.org 
  Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 2:56 PM
  Subject: [pianotech] c clamp

  While reading through an old Journal ( June 2003, page 10) a tool was described that would make it easier to remove the pedals without taking off the bottom board.


  However, during the description of the tool used to remove the pedal pivot pin, several critical items were left out.

  For example, how big do you make the hole.what size drill bit is required?  3/8" ??


  How can anyone get a good ,FLAT< drilling surface when trying to drill through the "top part of the clamp body"?


  Mr. Nereson, RPT of Denver uses this tool, and it sounds like a great idea.  But, could I get some more details, please?


  Brian P. Doepke, M.Mus.Ed.,RPT

  A.A.A. Piano Works, LLC

  Piano Tuning + Service


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