[pianotech] The gift that saved me.

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Sun Feb 1 16:51:35 PST 2009

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Hi Aart,
Sorry to hear about your encounter with the Jaws of Dogdom !!! Your wife was an angel 
to get those gloves for you, and she must even be prophetic...
I too adore dogs and, since I am unable to have one right now, I pet every dog that a customer allows me to.  I never believed one would hurt me until the day before a PTG national convention in Philadelphia many years ago, when a dog belonging to a cousin we were visiting bit me on the cheek--the cousin warned me the dog was a biter--I just didn't believe her. In recent years I have noticed that some clients don't like you to pet their animals, so I'm always careful to ask permission.  The one client I tune for, who has the biggest German shepherd I have ever seen, has actually taken professional dog training courses and does not allow the dog to move from her spot until I am well established at the piano.  After she verbally releases the dog, the dog comes over to me and we have a petting session.  That is responsible dog ownership.  It sounds like your customer was being very irresponsible, allowing those dogs to be all around you when you came in.  Often dogs are afraid of my tool kit....and a fearful dog is dangerous.
Hi Aart!
Glad you're semi-OK.  I hope you either charged more the tuning or got her 
insurance information for all your check-ups!  I've never been bitten (as 
a piano tech), but severly growled and barked at before, but the owners 
would put the dogs somewhere else.  I love dogs, too, owned one all my 
life...now on #5, and 99% of the time can make friends with them right 
away. I always let them check me out and carefully check them out too 
whether or not they'll let me pet them. Sorry this happened to you!  On 
the other end,  I've had some dogs be my best friend at the door and 
actually wouldn't leave me alone while working on the pianos!  "oh, 
please, please, pet me some more!", they say with those big beautiful 
eyes!! :>) Some have even fallen asleep on my feet while working...
I would have never thought of KEVLAR gloves!

Diane Hofstetter

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