[pianotech] Grand piano and dog

Sat Feb 7 21:25:58 PST 2009

Electric fence around the piano? Shocking idea! Might make the current  
events page in the paper. Gives new meaning to ohm sweet ohm.  Arrrrrrrrrrgh!
In a message dated 2/7/2009 10:54:54 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
calico_1 at hotmail.com writes:

A  customer has a problem with her male dog lifting his leg on the grand leg  
of the piano. She has tried scolding the dog and squirting his face with a  
special perfume to deter him but she has not been able to change the dog's  
behavior. The dog is 11 years old and this has been going on for several  yeras. 
She has diaper pads next to the piano leg to protect the floor. Moving  the 
piano to another location in the living room is not an option. The  previous 
residents had cats and the customer thinks the cats used the same  area as a 
litter box -- maybe the dog is attracted by lingering  odors.

I suggested wrapping the legs in plastic wrap or cellophane, but  the result 
would be a puddle next to the leg. Blocking the dog from the living  room 
would be difficult. She told me she walks the dog several times a day.  Moving the 
piano to another location in the living room is not  possible.  

Are there any suggestions? Thank  you! 


Christina  Sebelius 

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