[pianotech] California State Convention

David Andersen david at davidandersenpianos.com
Sun Feb 8 13:41:46 PST 2009

On Feb 7, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:

> I would really like to come to the conference first to meet you, and  
> then for a discussion and getting into these trivial matters that  
> really have no importance to whats important in life.

Hey, Brian----I'm sure we would have much more in convergence than  
divergence in person. In fact I've only met one person from your end  
of the world over 35 years---and I've met dozens and dozens---who  
struck me as anything but a good-hearted, straight-ahead individual.  
And, by your latest post, you're probably one of the top-notch guys in  
your area, and I'm certain your tunings are first-rate, solid,  
musical, and excellent. Mine are, too.

How you or I get to that beautiful tuning is interesting and  
fascinating to us because we're both hopeless piano geeks (a term of  
high endearment) but it's not intrinsically important to the artist or  
the listener. Or, ultimately, to us. What matters is the result. It's  
all conversation until we hear each other's work.

I'd love to come to Australia; I love it there. I'm sure we'll see  
each other somewhere down the road, where there's a piano, some peace  
and quiet, and an adult beverage or two.

Cheers, Brian....

David A.
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