[pianotech] finding the strike line

Gene Nelson nelsong at intune88.com
Sun Feb 8 16:16:48 PST 2009

Thanks Ron,
The board is RC&S but how good it is has yet to be determined as it is my 
first. It does seem to be very responsive.
Sounds like I just need to rely more on my listening skills - not 
necessarily an easy step to take for me.
As I told Dale, I can put the hammer for note 68 at 1/9th, get a great tone, 
move the hammer close to the string so I can see the strike point and pluck 
at both sides up to 5mm and not really hear much difference in tone. It all 
gets a strong fundamental with pleasing partials and great sustain.
 The more of these boards I build, the more amazed
> I am at how very many of the problems we take for granted as something we 
> have to work hammers around with a conventional soundboard assembly 
> through the top half of the scale are predominately soundboard 
> inefficiencies.
> I know, that's just WRONG by everyone's experience - until they work on a 
> few RC&S boards and start noticing differences.
> My take,
> Ron N

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