[pianotech] Oversized Tuning Pins vs. New Block

Dave Hulbert, RPT dave at hulbertpiano.com
Mon Feb 9 20:26:48 PST 2009

I'm looking for some reference/article/quote that I can use (besides my own opinion) to reason/argue on why a Baldwin D should get a new pinblock w/ #2 tuning pins instead of an oversized pin job.  This is for a school district bid that specifies that the piano shall be in 'like-new' condition after work is completed.  
It also requires refinishing of the case.  How can one ship a piano to a refinisher's shop for roughly a month having no control of humidity w/ an open-drilled block?  It's absurd!  I'm having a hard time finding something in print that can help me AND the piano.

Dave Hulbert, RPT
dave at hulbertpiano.com
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