[pianotech] Even been audited?

pianoguru at cox.net pianoguru at cox.net
Thu Feb 12 21:04:17 PST 2009

---- David Ilvedson <ilvey at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> If you pay self-employment taxes, you pay into social security.  ...don't you get the same type letter. 

Yes, I do.

> Now, if you are doing everything under the table and don't have much "declared" income, you will have very little SS when the time comes and very low taxes. 

I do NOTHING under the table, and I have paid SUBSTANTIALLY into SS!  I get their letter promising a substantial retirement benefit.  I simply do not trust the government to deliver on that promise.  What I am saying about "under the table income" is that the government, the IRS, does not trust us.  The nature of our work is such that we could easily hide income from them, and they are therefore reluctant to believe that we are not hiding income from them.  I have not personally had this conflict with the IRS, but other piano techs have expressed just this type of problem with the IRS denying their retirement benefit, superficially, for other reasons, but probably for just this reason.

>I don't think their going to abolish SS any time soon,

Of course, nobody intends to abolish SS, but it is a Ponzi scheme.  It cannot possibly sustain itself forever.  It MAY pay off its promise to you, or to me, but it cannot pay off its promise to our children and grandchildren.  Frankly, I doubt that it can pay off on its promise to you and me.

Frank Emerson

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