[pianotech] jack test / "winking" hammer

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Fri Feb 13 11:22:46 PST 2009

At 23:25 -0500 12/2/09, KeyKat88 at aol.com wrote:

>What if when you go to check the jack clearance byÊtapping the jack 
>toe and the hammer winksÊdown a little more each time you wink it? 
>I set the rep lever higher, and gave the jack more clearance under 
>the knuckle, Êbut now the jack looks and feels too low in the rep 
>lever window (more thanÊ1/64") This isÊmy fourth grand regulation.
>Can a rep lever ever be set too low, even though the hammer winks 
>properly? What's with the hammer going lower each time the jack 
>toeÊis tapped?

This is how I do things:

1.  Regulate the blow roughly.  It will need to be done precisely 
after the lost motion has been corrected.

2. Make sure that the repetition lever is not stiff on its centre and 
re-centre if necessary.  Set the spring so that it will lift the 
hammer gently out of check when the key is released.  The hammer 
should not shoot up out of check but rise at about the same speed as 
your finger rises from the key.

3. Burnish the top of the repetition lever to minimize friction at 
the contact with the roller.  If the rollers are not new, brush them 
with a brass wire brush to remove any ingrained blacklead, talc etc. 
or use a plastic eraser.

4. Paper the lever flanges as necessary and space the levers so that 
the repetition lever is central under the roller

5. To regulate the lost motion, turn the repetition lever button down 
until when you touch the key lightly you see the check move _just_ 
before the hammer head moves.  If the check moves much before the 
hammer head, you will be able to feel a knock at the key.  The lost 
motion is correct when the check and the hammer head move at _almost_ 
the same time and the difference can't be felt when you touch the key.

When you are finally regulating the blow, tap each key lightly a few 
times to overcome any friction between the roller and the repetition 
lever, which will give you a false reading.


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