[pianotech] Misaligned in Montana

Arlie Rauch adarpub at midrivers.com
Tue Feb 17 13:03:14 PST 2009

I was called to tune a new Kawai grand, and there was a complaint  
about one hammer.  It was striking its neighboring string when  
affected by the una corda (only this one hammer did so).  I loosened  
the offending flange screw, repositioned the flange/hammer slightly,  
and all worked well (this has often worked well in the past on other  
pianos).  Several weeks later I hear the problem is back.

I don't want to repeat the same procedure with the same  
unsatisfactory results.  I am thinking of what should be done:  shim  
the flange, bend the shank, remove and remount the hammer a degree  
different, reposition the flange again and apply locktite, etc.  What  
will bring about the proper and lasting result?  Any proper and  
lasting ideas?

Arlie D Rauch
Glendive, MT

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