[pianotech] Misaligned in Montana

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 17 13:36:01 PST 2009

Is it evenly spaced between the neighbors and traveling properly?   Does it hit squarely on string, i.e. even hammer edges on each side of the string.  Center pinning OK?  

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Arlie Rauch" <adarpub at midrivers.com>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 2/17/2009 1:03:14 PM
Subject: [pianotech] Misaligned in Montana

>I was called to tune a new Kawai grand, and there was a complaint  
>about one hammer.  It was striking its neighboring string when  
>affected by the una corda (only this one hammer did so).  I loosened  
>the offending flange screw, repositioned the flange/hammer slightly,  
>and all worked well (this has often worked well in the past on other  
>pianos).  Several weeks later I hear the problem is back.

>I don't want to repeat the same procedure with the same  
>unsatisfactory results.  I am thinking of what should be done:  shim  
>the flange, bend the shank, remove and remount the hammer a degree  
>different, reposition the flange again and apply locktite, etc.  What  
>will bring about the proper and lasting result?  Any proper and  
>lasting ideas?

>Arlie D Rauch
>Glendive, MT

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