[pianotech] Lost motion in Spinets

KeyKat88 at aol.com KeyKat88 at aol.com
Fri Feb 20 06:28:20 PST 2009

       Just following this  thread, confused. Does your "testing" after you 
adjust the  section,  the tapping being as you state: "firmly and  rapidly"   
give a different result (compresses the backrail cloth  less so) than "pushing 
down on the back of the key" ; or do you tap the  key at a different location? 
 (not trying to be a wise guy/gal) 
Julia Gottshall
Reading, PA 
In a message dated 2/20/2009 12:29:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
tomtuner at verizon.net writes:

On all verticals pushing down on the back of the  key will compress the 
backrail cloth, lowering  the .........both notes  the backchecks move when I tap 
the key.That test will tell you  nothing...

...... Then after adjusting a section I tap down  firmly and rapidly with my 
fingertips on the back of the keys. If any hammers  

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