[pianotech] ot teflon

johndelmore at suddenlink.net johndelmore at suddenlink.net
Wed Feb 25 07:46:52 PST 2009

Les, just yesterday for non-piano purposes, I boiled up some teflon in 95% ethanol and shot it onto a GC/MS.  Nothing.  You're more likely to get carcinogenic plasticizers from that bottled water than room temperature teflon.

However, I think there is an issue (non-cancer?) with powdered teflon, which can't be good for lungs.  Extreme care in application, or even a dust mask should be the norm.

---- Leslie Bartlett <l-bartlett at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> I was reading in AARP today, an article about cancer/prevention and came 
> across this."....household toxins should be minimized. Substances that 
> can impair your body's cancer-fighting system include certain 
> preservatives in cosmetics (called parpbens and Phthalates): 
> TEFLON(emphasis mine) released from scratched pans.........."
> This a doctor who has also had cancer......
> Is there research which would suggest all teflon  is a carcinogen?  Some 
> have said it is temperature sensitive.  Now, I am a bit concerned.  
> Perhaps I have missed some discussion.
> les bartlett

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