[pianotech] Spontaneous String Breakage

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco at luther.edu
Fri Feb 27 03:38:17 PST 2009

On 2/26/09, PJR <pryan2 at the-beach.net> wrote:
> After being called three times in a six month period to replace broken
> treble strings on a ten year old Yammy C6 piano on a ship,  I chided the
> piano player (the only one) of having a heavy hand.  He confided that he
> has never broken a string while playing.  They always break at night and
> are there when he uses the piano the next day.  It has not been my
> experience that strings break "in the night," but I haven't stayed up
> that many nights observing them.  Was he jivin' me, or have others had
> this experience too?
> Phil Ryan
> Miami Beach

Yes, they "spontaneously" break, and you don't have to stay up all
night to witness their demise.  One time I was sitting at my desk and
one of the pianos in the room thought I was sleeping and popped a bass
string.  Woulda woken me up if I wasn't already.  Another time, I was
in a customers home and was about to open the piano to tune when a
treble string broke. At least the customer who heard it couldn't
accuse me of breaking it.

When it's their time to go, it's their time to go.

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT
Luther College
Decorah, IA

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