[pianotech] Fwd: Erwins key dip gauge

A440A at aol.com A440A at aol.com
Fri Feb 27 07:41:30 PST 2009

Andre wrote: 

>>Give any decent instrument a really good and precise key dip and  

regulation and the result will almost always be very nice and very  


       Perhaps on a very tightly controlled production line, but with the 
handbuilt pianos, I rarely find this to be true.  If the key dip is exactly the 
same, and the hammer line is straight, the aftertouch is going to be all over 
the map.  With New York Steinway, my priorities for consistancy are aftertouch, 
hammerline, then keydip.  
    So,  if I am regulating for the highest level, I am going to split the 
error and allow blow and keydip to both vary slightly so that aftertouch remains 
consistant. It feels better than if I allow dip to take up all the 
inequalities of the action.  If I have to change a measured, pre-set, key dip by more 
.005" I will either raise or lower the blow. It takes very little change.   When 
combined, the two deviations become totally invisible and the action feels 
more even than most players are accustomed to. 
Ed Foote RPT 
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