[pianotech] Fwd: Erwins key dip gauge

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Fri Feb 27 17:22:39 PST 2009

Excellent point Dale. And one grossly overlooked in most action work. 
Boils down to a few other <<starting points>> we generally don't mess 
with or try to gain an understanding of. Namely how thick does the back 
rail felt need to be, what that requires in terms of key height at the 
front of the key, and how this all positions the key itself relative to 
the whippen.  For eks... does one want the key level at rest or does one 
want the key to be level at half blow.... and in each case why ? Key 
travel is really a better concept then key dip IMHO. But then we so 
often take it as given that the key at rest is in its optimal position 
or that key height is optimal..... neither of which is necessarily the 
case. For me... depends on how picky I want to get I suppose... but 
generally I stick with whats in front of me... level the keys to whats 
spec if thats available, what looks to put the key level at half blow if 
specs are not... then as mentioned earlier start with a rough 10 mm dip 
and proceed as per earlier posts.

I generally do not follow any curvature in string height if thats what 
you are after..... but I can if its called for and paid for.


    I'm always surprised nobody asks this, but where are you all
    measruing max keytravel/dip & how? It makes a difference.  I
    remember Little red school house but I don't want to give it away.
    Besides not every one measures it the same way.
    Nice post Andre...Such Passion!
    Luv it

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