[pianotech] Voicing client

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 1 09:06:50 MDT 2009

Richard said: "List,
I have a client with a Weinbach 6'4". He does extensive research 
online, and seems very easily influenced by what he reads.
He is a very good player and knows what he wants as in voicing, but it 
has been very difficult to please him.
So far I have lightly reshaped hammers, steamed, and needled to soften 
the tone.
I think these are Abel hammers.
He now thinks he wants new hammers, but I am concerned that there may 
be no end to his issues.
I could use some advice .
Sent from my iPhone"

First Read "Grand Obsession". (should be required reading for all technicians, IMHO!!)Then Tell the client to buy a better piano...this time evaluating it BEFORE purchasing it.
Really,...IF the hammers are not "shot" in some way, I would confront him with questions as to WHY he thinks he needs new hammers. Also, since he is reading all the B.S. that happens on the internet, ask him what hammers he thinks he needs and why? After all of that and he still insists on new hammers....do it. However, make him sign a statemnent that he will not hold you responsible for the outcome.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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