[pianotech] Interesting action on Yamaha YUA

Ed Sutton ed440 at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 6 13:35:38 MDT 2009

At first it seemed insignificant, but now I see a possibility:
The problem of repetition in the vertical action involves getting the jack 
tip back under the butt without introducing lost motion.
In this modification, the spring doesn't effect the hammer until about 
half-way into the hammer stroke. This would allow a faster initial 
acceleration of the hammer. Then, when the hammer is returned to the rest 
position, the spring has released, and the hammer is just a little past it's 
balance point, so there will be less resistance to the jack returning under 
the butt. The spring can be stronger where it matters in the cycle, and 
disconnected where it interferes with fast repetition.
They might have a surprisingly simple solution to an old problem!
Ed Sutton

> The attached patent illustrations make it clear.
> Frank Emerson 

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