[pianotech] Treble String Replacement

Jim Busby jim_busby at byu.edu
Tue Jul 14 06:16:38 MDT 2009


Two points in addition to those you've received; First, I've made a dummy pin with a slot cut all the way from the top. This is only for the low bass, where it's dang near impossible to get the wire in/out of the becket. This slips out, no problem. Keep the groove small. Secondly, you're right, many times simply turning the pin out 3 turns then back in renders the pin too loose and requires an oversize pin. Certainly not usually the case, but it DOES happen! If the block is good and very tight it's usually not an issue, but once you've used a dummy pin it's just as easy to do.

Jim Busby RPT


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