[pianotech] Replacing bridle straps on an Overdamper

Chuck Behm behmpiano at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 17:58:21 MDT 2009

Matthew - Just another opinion here. I think the fact that you're unafraid
to ask questions is great. It's been my observation that people who think
they know it all, seldom do.

If you have researched a topic, don't be afraid to try a new repair. My only
recommendation would be to be up front with the customer. Explain that this
is a new procedure to you, but that you're willing to try and will do
everything in your power to get it right. Tell the customer that if they
prefer to find someone more experienced in the matter, you will not consider
it a slap in the face. Offer to do the repair at a deep discount in
comparison with whatever the going rate seems to be, or even at no cost
except materials, just to gain the experience.

As far as the prevelance of bird cage actions, they must be in greater
abundance in some areas of the country than others. I've got around 900
active customers in my data base, and have been in business in this area
since the early 1970's, but have yet to come across a bird cage action! If a
customer wanted someone with experience in these parts, I would tell them
good luck - better look for someone who hails from another part of the

Keep on with what you're doing. Your quest for knowledge is admirable.
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