[pianotech] String Breakage

Mike Kurta mkurta1 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 2 08:57:28 MST 2010

    Paul, there is no rhyme or reason to string  breakage.  In general, it 
is less likely to happen with a new piano or one that has been restrung, but 
it can happen anyway.
    I have tuned pianos stored on a porch (outdoors) that were a ball of 
rust, a third flat, pulled it up 100 cents over pitch and didn't break one 
string.  In other cases, with fairly new instruments just a slight touch on 
the tuning lever and the string let go.  In my experience, loosening first, 
then tightening or lubing various points makes no difference, (I'm sure I'll 
hear comments about this one).
    We had a chapter meeting once where we took a junk piano and everyone 
took a turn at purposely trying to break the strings.  We each brought our 
tuning wrench and took turns cranking tighter and tighter until the strings 
broke.  It was amazing!  Most pins turned 1/2 a turn or more before the 
string let go.
    Again, there is no rhyme or reason......

    Mike Kurta, RPT
    Chicago chapter 

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