[pianotech] String Breakage

Matthew Todd toddpianoworks at att.net
Tue Mar 2 10:56:34 MST 2010

Yes, the break occurred on the string located right above a plate screw.

It's interesting how you guys are nailing this on the head.  I appreciate the help!  More for me to explain to the customer than anything.

Matthew Todd, Piano Technician 
(979) 248-9578

--- On Tue, 3/2/10, paul bruesch <paul at bruesch.net> wrote:

From: paul bruesch <paul at bruesch.net>
Subject: Re: [pianotech] String Breakage
To: toddpianoworks at att.net, pianotech at ptg.org
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 3:53 PM

Is there a plate screw right above it? Is it a very short distance from termination to pin? Like this picture?

If so, it's most likely the abrupt angle changes. I've also had a similar break in a very new YC console.

Any ideas out there for avoiding breakage on strings like this?

Paul Bruesch
Stillwater, MN

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:34 AM, <toddpianoworks at att.net> wrote:


I was tuning a Yamaha P22 this morning, when a monochord string broke while I was tuning it.

I use CyberTuner, and the note was almost in tune, just a tiny bit flat, and as I turned the pin only one notch with my hammer to bring the note slightly above pitch so I could settle it back to pitch, the string snapped.

Is there any rhyme or reason why a string breakage such as this would occur?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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