[pianotech] Another use for the multi-max

Barbara Richmond piano57 at comcast.net
Tue Mar 2 12:46:08 MST 2010

Hi David,

 Fein made the original one (MultiMaster) and there's a infomercial about it that probably airs every weekend.


 Jon Page was the first person I remember mentioning it.  The Fein is expensive--the kit which includes the better model, some attachments and a case is $400.  The nice thing about the better Fein model (there are two models, at least) is how the attachments are connected to the tool.  It's a fast connect, so you don't need an allen wrench or whatever to attach the blades.  A number of folks on the list have mentioned the Harbor Freight knock-off for cheap. I bought the Dremel version (because it had a nice case and I need all the organizing help I can get--I still have to put it in the case, though). But at first I had a problem with the attachments loosening up.  I guess I'm a weeny at tightening.  I added a lock washer and it solved my problem (of the attachments coming loose, not being a weeny).  I like the Dremel version of the tool because it is smaller and lighter (& cheaper) than the Fein--and the Dremel got a good review in an article where a number of multi-master/max tools were tested.  I haven't used it much, but when I have, it's been pretty swell.
Barbara Richmond, RPT
near Peoria, Illinois

>Ok...I missed the Multi-max thingy...? 

>David Ilvedson, RPT 
>Pacifica, CA 94044 

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