[pianotech] separator clamps

Joseph Garrett joegarrett at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 2 19:00:34 MST 2010

Barbara Richmond wrote:
"Are there some with a different design? I tried to find others, but
didn't find any. I looked at all my clamps to see if there was a way to
reverse the ends, but I didn't see how any of them would work that way."  

Yes there are many variations on this theme. However, the picture you sent is the Pony Clamp No.56! It should show the process for reversing to make it a "spreader" on the box the clamp came in. If not, the process is: Unscrew the main head from the pipe. Slide the sliding part off the pipe, reverse, slide back on. Reverse the head and screw it back on the pipe.  Voila'<G>

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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