[pianotech] The Fuel You Use In Your Car

Paul McCloud pmc033 at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 6 07:25:58 MST 2010

I don't know about other places, but it is my understanding that all the fuel arrives and is stored in tanks in a "tank farm".  All the local gasoline that is distributed from there is the same, except that each different brand has it's own additives.  At least that's what I've heard.  
  Paul McCloud
  San Diego

-----Original Message-----
>From: Gerald Groot <tunerboy3 at comcast.net>
>Sent: Mar 6, 2010 5:55 AM
>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>Subject: Re: [pianotech] The Fuel You Use In Your Car
>Did you read what the article/s said Duaine?  I did and it sounded plausible
>to me that certain gas stations would use cheaper quality gasoline than
>others for one reason or another.  I drive a Caddy so I always put higher
>octane gas in it and always have my vehicles serviced and maintained as per
>the factory recommendations as well.  I do agree, that helps considerably to
>keep them running for many more miles than those that do not maintain much
>of anything on their cars.  
>Now, if only we could get piano owners to do likewise, huh?  
>-----Original Message-----
>From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
>Of Duaine Hechler
>Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 12:21 AM
>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>Subject: Re: [pianotech] The Fuel You Use In Your Car
>Gerald Groot wrote:
>> *Thanks Mike, interesting read. I always put premium in my car as it
>> requires it but I had no idea there was such a difference between
>> gasoline stations and gas. I think Shell will be my pick as there
>> seems to be more of these around my area than the others listed. *
>> * *
>> *Jer*
>I'm not sure if the gas is the key - because - I have a 1999 Mercury
>Mountaineer with 148,000+ miles on it and still running GREAT.
>I rarely use Premium - can't afford it.
>I think the big key is - maintenance - I use Valvoline (very bad
>experience with Jiffy Lube) and - always - do the recommended
>maintenance they say is needed. Plus I always go by mileage (3,000)
>instead of months.
>Duaine Hechler
>Piano, Player Piano, Pump Organ
>Tuning, Servicing & Rebuilding
>Reed Organ Society Member
>Florissant, MO 63034
>(314) 838-5587
>dahechler at att.net
>Home & Business user of Linux - 10 years

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