[pianotech] Premium service

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 10 13:16:36 MST 2010

> From an instrument performance standpoint, yes it is. The 
>piano doesn't seem to care how dust phobic the tech is. They 
>work pretty much the same with or without the dust.

Stuff in pianos isn't just dust, so you can quit with the dust.   It is a build up of misc. things that ends up with a sticking key or whatever which does impact the performance of that piano.   Cleaning every service will remove the paper clips, etc...no, it won't protect against the pencil dropped between service.
"its the customers call"...I can guarantee your customer will want it cleaned if you bring it up...I don't think you bring it up.   So it really is your call...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Ron Nossaman" <rnossaman at cox.net>
To: Pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 3/10/2010 11:52:52 AM
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Premium service

>David Ilvedson wrote:
>> Ok, Ron...do you like to tune/work on dirty pianos?  

>I tune with tools, so I'm not in either soundboard or plate 
>dust doing that. And again, it's not my call. It's the 

>> If  you pull an action do you vacuum before you work on it.  

>Sometimes, sometimes not. It depends on what I'm doing.

>>Is that cosmetic?

> From an instrument performance standpoint, yes it is. The 
>piano doesn't seem to care how dust phobic the tech is. They 
>work pretty much the same with or without the dust.

>Ron N

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